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Call SEAL OP-CLI Built-In Scripts

The built-in scripts are located in the following directory:

  • Windows:

    C:\Program Files\SEAL Systems\seal-opcli\lib\script\builtin
  • Linux:


The print-docs built-in script uploads a single file or all files in a directory to SEAL Operator and outputs them via PLOSSYS 4.

opcli script exec print-docs --localfile <fileOrDirectory> -p printer=<printerName> -p service-id=<serviceId> [-p cleanup] [-p <printParamKey>=<PrintParamValue>]+
  • --localfile <fileOrDirectory>: Local file to be printed or local directory containing files to be printed; wildcards are supported; mandatory

  • -p printer=<printerName>: Parameter passed to the print-docs script: Name of the printer on which the local files are output; mandatory

  • -p service-id=<serviceId>: Parameter passed to the print-docs script; type of the connector for uploading the file; available values: operator-p4 and other connectors possibly configured in SEAL Operator; mandatory

  • -p cleanup: Parameter passed to the print-docs script: Flag that the local files are deleted after running the print-docs script successfully

  • -p <printParamKey>=<printParamValue>: Parameter passed to the print-docs script; arbitrary key-value pair passed as print parameter to PLOSSYS 4, for example PLS_PLOTCOPY or PLS_DUPLEX

Example - output the local file, myFile.txt, to the myPrinter printer, duplex and with 3 copies

opcli script exec print-docs --localfile myFile.txt -p service-id=operator-p4 -p printer=myPrinter -p PLS_DUPLEX=LONG_SIDE -p PLS_PLOTCOPY=2

Upload to Shopping Cart (shopping-cart)

The shopping-cart built-in script uploads a single file or all files in a directory to SEAL Operator. It creates a shopping cart task unless one already exists. It adds the uploaded documents to the shopping cart task. Unless a shopping cart panel for operator-p4 exists (PLOSSYS Pool), the panel is created. The shopping cart task is added to the panel. If no user interface session is open, the default Web browser is started and the shopping cart panel is displayed.

opcli script exec shopping-cart --localfile <fileOrDirectory> -p service-id=<serviceId> [-p type=<panelType>] [-p printer=<printerName>] [-p url=<uiURL>] [-p cleanup]
  • --localfile <fileOrDirectory>: Local file to be uploaded or local directory containing files to be uploaded; wildcards are supported; mandatory

  • -p service-id=<serviceId>: Parameter passed to the shopping-cart script; type of the connector for storing the file; available values: operator-p4 and other connectors possibly configured in SEAL Operator; mandatory

  • -p type=<panelType>: Parameter passed to the shopping-cart script; type of the panel if the backend system supports more than one panel

  • -p printer=<printerName>: Parameter passed to the shopping-cart script: Name of the printer on which the files are output if the backend system has printers

  • -p url=<uiURL>: Parameter passed to the shopping-cart script: URL of the user interface; default: https:\\localhost:3000

  • -p cleanup: Parameter passed to the shopping-cart script: Flag that the local files are deleted after running the shopping-cart script successfully

Example - upload the files contained in the myShopping directory to the shopping cart panel, add the files to the PLOSSYS 5 panel, set the printer to myPrinter and delete the local files afterwards

opcli script exec shopping-cart --localfile myShopping -p service-id=operator-p5 -p printer=myPrinter -p cleanup

Upload Documents (upload-docs)

The upload-docs built-in script uploads a single file or all files in a directory to SEAL Operator. It creates a new panel which contains the uploaded files. If no user interface session is open, the default Web browser is started.

opcli script exec upload-docs --localfile <fileOrDirectory> -p service-id=<serviceId> [-p cleanup] [-p name=<panelName>]
  • --localfile <fileOrDirectory>: Local file to be uploaded or local directory containing files to be uploaded; wildcards are supported; mandatory

  • -p service-id=<serviceId>: Parameter passed to the upload-docs script; type of the connector for uploading the file; available values: operator-p4 and other connectors possibly configured in SEAL Operator; mandatory

  • -p cleanup: Parameter passed to the upload-docs script: Flag that the local files are deleted after running the upload-docs script successfully

  • -p name=<panelName>: Parameter passed to the upload-docs script: Name of the panel; default: generated UUID

Example - upload the files contained in the myDirectory directory to the myPanel panel and delete the local files afterwards

opcli script exec upload-docs --localfile myDirectory -p service-id=operator-p4 -p name=myPanel -p cleanup

Upload a Repro List (upload-rli)

The upload-rli built-in script uploads a repro list file to SEAL Operator. It creates a new panel with the content of the uploaded repro list file. If no user interface session is open, the default Web browser is started.

opcli script exec upload-rli --localfile <reproListFile> -p service-id=<serviceId> [-p cleanup] [-p name=<panelName>]
  • --localfile <reproListFile>: Repro list file to be uploaded; wildcards are supported; mandatory

  • -p service-id=<serviceId>: Parameter passed to the upload-rli script; type of the connector for uploading the repro list file; available values: operator-p4 and other connectors possibly configured in SEAL Operator; mandatory

  • -p cleanup: Parameter passed to the upload-rli script: Flag that the local repro list file is deleted after running the upload-rli script successfully

  • -p name=<panelName>: Parameter passed to the upload-rli script: Name of the panel; default: generated UUID

Example - upload the myReproList.rli repro list file to the myPanel panel

opcli script exec upload-rli --localfile myReproList.rli  -p service-id=operator-p4 -p name=myPanel

Create a Web Portal Share (create-webportal)

The create-webportal built-in script creates a Web Portal share in SEAL Operator and adds files to it.

opcli script exec create-webportal --localfile <fileOrDirectory> [--localfileformat <format>] [--owner <owner>] -p name=<name> [-p description=<description>] [-p shared-with=<shared-with>] [-p expiration=<expiration>] [-p access-notification=<Y|N>] [-p cleanup]
  • --localfile <fileOrDirectory>: Local file or local directory containing files to be added to the share; wildcards are supported; mandatory

  • --localfileformat <format>: The file specified in --localfile is interpreted as an order file containing the file names and additional parameters; available value: json; optional

  • --owner <owner>: Impersonated owner; optional

  • -p name=<name>: Parameter passed to the create-webportal script; name of the share to be created; mandatory

  • -p description=<description>: Parameter passed to the create-webportal script; description of the share; optional

  • -p shared-with=<shared-with>: Parameter passed to the create-webportal script; space separated list of email addresses of users to share the share with; optional

  • -p expiration=<expiration>: Parameter passed to the create-webportal script; expiration date in msec from 1.1.1970; default: 10 days after creation of the share; optional

  • -p access-notification=<Y|N>: enables or disables share access notifications - default is Y'; optional

  • -p cleanup: Parameter passed to the create-webportal script; flag; if set the local files used for the share will be deleted after running the create-webportal script successfully; optional

Example - share for a single recipient with no access notification, expires 10 days after creation

opcli script exec create-webportal -p name="Nice documents" -p shared-with="" -p description="A bunch of nice documents" -p expiration=10d -p access-notification=N --localfile blabla.pdf

Example - share with access notification and owner, expires 12 hours after creation, local file will be deleted after the successful creation of the share

opcli script exec create-webportal -p name="Nice documents" -p shared-with="" -p description="A bunch of nice documents" -p expiration=12h -p access-notification=Y -p cleanup --owner "fjodor" --localfile blabla.pdf

Example - share for multiple recipients, documents to add provided by a JSON file; expires on Dec. 31 2023, at 10:00 am

opcli script exec create-webportal -p name="Nice documents" -p shared-with="" -p description="A bunch of nice documents" -p expiration=1704013200 -p access-notification=Y --owner "fjodor" --localfileformat json --localfile files.json

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