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Manage Tasks

Data Type

A task is for example a print job to PLOSSYS 4. You can manage tasks by specifying task as <dataType> in the SEAL OP-CLI call:

opcli task <command> <option>

Display the Options and Parameters

By specifying the --help option, you get the available options and parameters for the task data type:

opcli task --help

Create a Task

With the create command, you create a task:

opcli task create --listfile <file>|--task-name <name> [--format <format>] [--metadata <metadata>] [--owner <owner>] [task-items <taskId>] [--type <type>]
  • --format <format>: Format of the task file; available values: rli, csv, json; default: json

  • --listfile <file>: Path and name of the file to be imported as task; either --task-name or --listfile is mandatory

  • --metadata <metadata>: Metadata in JSON syntax, for example, '{"status":"new", "origin":"system"}'; only evaluated with --task-name

  • --owner <owner>: Account name of the user who is to be the owner of the task

  • --service-id <serviceId>: Name of the connector to which the task is to be assigned; available values: operator-p4 and other connectors possibly configured in SEAL Operator; mandatory

  • --task-items <taskItems>: Task items in JSON syntax; only evaluated with --task-name

  • --task-name <name>: Name of the task; only evaluated with --task-name

  • --type <type>: Task type; mandatory if the connector supports multiple types, for example, the operator-dpf connector

Example - create a task named print for the operator-p4 connector with the status and origin metadata

opcli task create print --metadata '{"status":"new", "origin":"system"}' --service-id operator-p4

Example - create a task named convert for convert type of the operator-dpf connector

opcli task create convert --service-id operator-dpf --type convert

Get the Metadata and Items of a Task

With the get command, you get the metadata and the items of a task. The metadata are output as JSON object on STDOUT.

opcli task get <taskId> --service-id <serviceId> [--embed input|output]
  • <taskId>: ID of the task; mandatory

    Hint - tid

    The task ID is the value of the tid setting and output when the task is created, for example, "tid":"412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc".

  • --embed <listType>: Additionally, output the items of the input or output list as well; available values: input, output; default: none

  • --service-id <serviceId>: Name of the connector to which the task has been assigned; available values: operator-p4 and other connectors possibly configured in SEAL Operator; mandatory

Example - get the metadata of the task with the ID 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc and the operator-p4 connector

opcli task get 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc --service-id operator-p4

Example - get the metadata and the items of the task with the ID 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc and the operator-p4 connector

opcli task get 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc --service-id operator-p4 --embed input

Replace or Delete the Metadata of a Task

With the replace-meta command, you replace the metadata of a task. The existent metadata are deleted and the specified metadata are set. For deleting the existent metadata, specify an empty JSON object as metadata.

opcli task replace-meta <taskId> --file <file>|--metadata <metadata> --service-id <serviceId>
  • <taskId>: ID of the task; mandatory

  • --file <file>: Path and name of a file containing the new metadata as JSON object

  • --metadata <metadata>: New metadata in JSON syntax, for example, '{"status":"obsolete"}'

  • --service-id <serviceId>: Name of the connector to which the task has been assigned; available values: operator-p4 and other connectors possibly configured in SEAL Operator; mandatory

Example - replace the metadata of the task by the metadata specified as option

opcli task replace-meta 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc --metadata '{"status":"obsolete"}' --service-id operator-p4

Example - replace the metadata of the task by the metadata specified in the metadata.json file

opcli task replace-meta 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc --file metadata.json --service-id operator-p4

Example - delete the metadata of the task

opcli task replace-meta 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc --metadata '{}' --service-id operator-p4

Execute an Action with a Task

With the command command, you execute an action with a task:

Hint - availability

The available actions depend on the connector. The --start action is supposed to exist in every connector. For the operator-p4 connector, --abort, --pause and --resume are available additionally.

opcli task command <taskId> --<action> --service-id <serviceId>
  • <taskId>: ID of the task; mandatory

  • --service-id <serviceId>: Name of the connector to which the task has been assigned; available values: operator-p4 and other connectors possibly configured in SEAL Operator; mandatory

  • --start: The task will be started;

  • --<action>: Another action which can be executed with the task; depends on the connector.

Example - start the task for the operator-p4 connector

opcli task command 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc --start --service-id operator-p4

Example - abort the task for the operator-p4 connector

opcli task command 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc --abort --service-id operator-p4

Example - pause the task for the operator-p4 connector

opcli task command 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc --pause --service-id operator-p4

Example - resume the paused task for the operator-p4 connector

opcli task command 412a4a42-c48b-4d66-a3b6-8fecb13f38dc --resume --service-id operator-p4

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